About Winnipeg Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Meier
Dr. Meier of Children’s Dental Centre is an experienced board-certified Winnipeg pediatric dentist. His background is extensive, and includes a number of memberships and affiliations with both pediatric and general dental associations in North America. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and an active member of the American and Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the Canadian Dental Association, and the Manitoba Dental Association.
Dr. Meier is also affiliated with all Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) accredited hospital facilities that treat children, and has been a clinical instructor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry for over 20 years.
Committed to Continuing Education
Dr. Meier continues to attend numerous continuing education seminars throughout the United States and Canada each year to keep him in the forefront of pediatric dentistry.
To make a dental appointment for your child with Dr. Meier, contact us today.

Thank You, Dr. Meier
“We have been going to Children’s Dental Centre for about eight years and my children, now teenagers, love to go to the dentist! Thank you Dr. Meier.”
- K. K., Winnipeg, Manitoba
240-1630 Ness Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3J 3X1| 204-668-5437